Entra IDMultitenant collaboration
Multitenant collaboration
If you have issues configuring in the admin portal or none of the collaboration members are owners, then you can use Graph queries to fix the issue.
In my case I had a orphaned member tenant. Because the owner did not exist anymore it was impossible to remove the configuration.
By changing the multitenant collaboration settings via graph I was able to add the missing tenant and to change a tenant from member to owner.
Example code:
# Adding a tenant
$params = @{
tenantId = "a62c1c56-49e8-46c8-a6a3-c465bbff8ae5"
displayName = "Tenant DisplayName"
New-MgTenantRelationshipMultiTenantOrganizationTenant -BodyParameter $params
# Change tenant from memer to Owner
$json= '{"role": "owner"}'
$tenantID = "a62c1c56-49e8-46c8-a6a3-c465bbff8ae5"
Invoke-MGGraphRequest -Method PATCH -Uri https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/tenantRelationships/multiTenantOrganization/tenants/$tenantID -Body $json -ContentType "application/json"
# Get tenant status
$tenantID = "a62c1c56-49e8-46c8-a6a3-c465bbff8ae5"
Invoke-Mggraphrequest -Method GET -Uri https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/tenantRelationships/multiTenantOrganization/tenants/$tenantID
# Change tenant DisplayName
$json= '{"displayName": "Tenant DisplayName"}'
$tenantID = "a62c1c56-49e8-46c8-a6a3-c465bbff8ae5"
Invoke-Mggraphrequest -Method PATCH -Uri https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/tenantRelationships/multiTenantOrganization/tenants/$tenantID -Body $json -ContentType "application/json"
Cross tenant sync
Due to a GUI bug I wasn’t able to save the sync configuration.
It worked with Graph by following these instructions: